Our basic cremation fee is $1295 which includes the following:
✔ Transporting your loved one to our facility within 75 miles, available 24/7 (extra fee for distances over 75 miles)
✔ Meeting with our staff to arrange the details
✔ Cardboard cremation casket (other options available)
✔ Cremation at our on-site facility
✔ Basic temporary urn for transportation
✔ Processing and certifying the death certificate (copies not included)
Basic Cremation Price
Family Owned & Operated
75-Mile Service Radius at no Additional Charge
Add $5.50/mi after 40 miles
Add $5/mi after 30 miles
In-person, Online, or Over-the-phone arrangement conference
24-hour removal and transportation of your loved one from the place of death to facility
Add $195 if after hours
Let the nurse or coroner know that you would like for LEAF Cremation to take your loved one into our care.
Make arrangements in person, online, or over-the-phone with a dedicated member of our Care Team.
Once all the necessary paperwork is signed and returned, we can proceed with the cremation. Each cremation is private and dignified.
After the cremation has taken place, you have the option to come pick up the cremated remains at our office in Acworth. We can also ship or hand deliver the remains to you for an additional fee.